
Duffin - Mother & Daughter
Miriam: 1990-1991 Primary Education at Langside College
Katie: 2018-19 Primary Education at WCS Paisley
Katie: 2018-19 Primary Education at WCS Paisley

Along with eight other students, she studied on the Access to Primary Education at what was then known as Langside College. She then went on to St. Andrew's College (an associate college of the University of Glasgow) where she earned her qualification to become a primary school teacher, and has enjoyed a long and rewarding career.
Twenty-eight years later, Miriam's daughter Katie is following in her mother's footsteps. In 2018-19, Katie completed the Access to Primary Education programme at West College Scotland (Paisley), and she is now planning to move on to the University of Glasgow to study primary teaching.
Click the links below to hear the details from this mother-daughter duo:

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