- Welcome back! 

We hope you have had a fun and relaxing break from your studies over the winter holidays and you're ready to get back to work.  

- SWAP Study Skills Days @ universities

SWAPWest works in partnership with universities in the West of Scotland to provide you with opportunities to visit university campuses, to practice some university-level study skills (e.g. taking notes in a lecture, participating in a seminar/tutorial) and to meet former SWAP students who have since progressed to university and can tell you what it's actually like to make the transition.

We will send out an email to your college tutor when dates have been finalised for each university (normally some time in Feb-Mar-Apr) and you will be asked to 
register online for the Study Skills Days you plan to attend. You can also check back to this web site for information and updates nearer the time.

- Post-Application / Applicants' Visit Days @ universities

Some universities will offer post-application visiting opportunities in January, Feb or March. It is important to realise that these days are not aimed at SWAP students specifically or even at adults returning to education after a long absence; they are typically geared towards school-leavers and their parents. However, university populations are growing older and you may find that your chosen universities do offer events for applicants that may be of interest to you. Check their web sites for dates and information on attending.  

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