
The European Agenda for Adult Learning from 2015 to 2020 outlines a main priority: "To significantly increase the supply and take up of high-quality provision, especially in literacy, numeracy and digital skills; effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies to reach and assist adult learners". There is now a broad consensus on the importance of adult learning taking place in many arenas, not least of these being in the workplace. 

At the same time, immigration and social exclusion is a challenge, which many EU countries must address. Europe has recently experienced an international crisis in terms of the numbers of refugees arriving. It has been found that many refugees are ill equipped to secure work, learn the language and integrate into the cultures of their host country on their own. European research on labour migration has also shown that immigrants have, so far, been over-represented in the lower-level labour market; in uncertain and low-paid positions, and with limited income mobility. Many therefore can feel excluded from their new societies when the need for them to be included in society and the workplace has never been higher.  

The FETI project will look to see if a model can be designed which leads to better integration of refugees, as well as increasing their digital, linguistic, language and, where needed, vocational skills. This transnational project brings together a consortium of partners with extensive and complementary expertise in adult guidance, research, training and networking. The Consortium is composed of partners from both private and public bodies in Norway, Italy, Turkey and Scotland, including higher education institutions, Adult Education providers and non profit organizations. The project will be completed in 2022. 

A total of 5 Intellectual Outputs (IO) drive the project. 

Local Needs Study Report
A local needs study has been crucial for the project as it provides both the structure and foundation for the consortium to produce and deliver subsequent Intellectual Outputs. Within IO1, data has been collected through mediums such as one to one meetings with local educational providers and non profit organistions. Additionally, the Local Needs Study incorporates regional statistical data from respective consortium partners. SWAP has had the leading responsibility for this IO1, assisted by Istanbul University, Oslo Service Senter and Engim Piemonte. Our initial findings have been collated into a final Local Needs Study Report which is available below: 

FETI: Local Needs Study Final Report (IO1)

Further information is available from the SWAPWest office on 0141 564 7206 or by email at swapwest@scottishwideraccess.org
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