
The HN route to university
SWAP students also have the option of moving on to HN study after their access programme and then applying to university after that. Aimee Stewart, a SWAP access student, articulated into Year 3 at Queen Margaret University after completing her HND in Childhood practice at West Lothian College. Read why she chose to return to education, and the appeal of the HN route.

 <aimee_s.jpg> ''I joined the Army at 17. When I left after 18 years I decided to return to education as I wanted to become a teacher. I always wanted to join the Army and to work within education. Being out of education for so long I went to do my SWAP course to gain the qualifications needed for university. The application was scary due to not having had an interview since I was 17; however the staff made the process easy and eased my worries. This staff support persists over the year.

I feel the closer-knit community of college has more support than university. There are only about 20 people in the class so you get to know the staff and they know you. As a single mum of 2, I decided to stay at West Lothian College and complete my HNC and HND Childhood Practice. Juggling life and college has been hard but worthwhile now I know I am once step closer to my qualification. Furthermore, after doing my HND and HNC I have the qualifications for a job in my field, which I can work alongside my studies. This means when I apply for my PGDE Primary I will have vital experience within the role I want.

I have found my experience worthwhile and met some great people along the way, who helped ease the transition to Queen Margaret University. We had each other. There were also others within our class and they made us feel welcome and helped make the process easier. They also showed us how things worked within university that the introduction may have not covered. I found even the application process for SAAS was easy and help was always there.''
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