
We know that finance is one of the biggest concerns when considering a return to full-time education. It’s something that you’ll want to sort out before you start on the programme.
Funding for the SWAP Programme 
Most SWAP students are entitled to have tuition fees paid for their SWAP programme. Most are also entitled to a college bursary to help with living costs. The funding you are entitled to will depend on your personal circumstances. Decisions on funding eligibility are taken at college level and so it is a good idea to speak to the relevant college student funding team for advice. You don’t need to wait until you apply or you have a place on a programme - in fact it’s better to contact them before you apply to check that you’ll be able to manage financially.

College Funding Support & Advice 
College student support teams as well as student associations are an important source of help on funding questions. Most colleges offer some form of additional support for students with childcare commitments and they may also offer some limited assistance with travel costs. Colleges usually set a small amount of hardship funding set aside to help students in urgent financial difficulties.  If you do end up in a tight spot, ask for help.  

Full-time study can impact on your entitlement to benefits.  If you are in receipt of benefits, you should speak to your benefits advisor to find out whether your benefits would be affected. 

For more detailed information on funding your studies at college, see here: 

Borders College
Dundee and Angus College
Edinburgh College
Fife College
Forth Valley College
Newbattle Abbey College
Perth College
West Lothian College

Funding for university or HNC/Ds at college
Decisions on eligibility for funding at university or higher education programmes at college are taken by the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS). Most SWAP students will be entitled to have their university tuition fees funded, but again this will depend on your personal circumstances. The best thing to do is to contact SAAS for advice.  You don’t need to wait until you are applying to university – it’s always best to check out the situation in advance.

Universities offer a range of student scholarships and bursaries. These vary between universities and subjects, and some will have a very specific eligibility criteria. Details of these can be found on university websites and are worth checking out later once you have applied to university. 

For more detailed information on college and university funding for SWAP East students, please go to the Information & Guidance page within their Current Students' section. 
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